Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Sup 2012 :P

Wow. I never thought i would open this old thing again and start blogging again ;)

Twitter is nice but it limits my character count to only 140..T.T Which is too little for me to say everything I want to say :D And somehow using more than 1 tweet for the same subject just isn't "fitting".

Anyway, hello y'all to whoever is still reading this little blog of mine :D (Which might be just sad little old me D:)

Well, it been 2 years since i last updated :O and yeah.. ALOT of stuff has been happening in this 2 years.. In 2010, I went to college. Yeah, went to do SAM at Taylor's Subang :) That was a year with lots of ups and downs.. :/ Downs like spending less time with Timmy, going to a new college with no friends whatsoever, putting on weight!!(arghhh!! T.T maybe too much outside food T.T), falling out with a good friend of mine whose name shall not be mentioned xD. Ups like meeting awesome friends like blackie Jairam and retarded Bryan and bullshitter Storyteller Chze Wei, hardworking geeky Kelvin etc :D (Damn. Why are they all guys xD) In college i learnt a lot..

I learnt that:
*Making friends is not longer like in high school or primary school. Everyone mixes with everyone and you can't really count on anyone to be like your loyal best friend anymore.
*Sitting behind with a bunch of noisy people really stops you from focusing in class (But at least you have tons of fun :D)
*People who like twilight are not necessarily female :D (Yes chow chow, i'm talking about you xD)
*Studying hard is not as effective as studying smart
*Drinking a bubble tea instead of eating lunch does not make you thinner. (Sadly T.T)
*People are more proactive in college :) (couples here, couples there.. couples couples everywhere)
*Not everyone who is friendly likes you :P
*A graphic calculator is so AWESOMEEE XD
*Physics is really hard in college.. :/
*Sleeping in classes is really not that hard :P
*Sometimes the only person you can really count on is yourself....