Saturday, March 22, 2008

Childhood.. the best time of of your life?

hmm.. i wonder if most ppl will agree wif de statement above..
well.. my childhood was THE BEST.
of cos ther were uPS and Downs but altogether i noe it was gr8..
childhood is de time of ur life dat u have

no worries..

no responsiblities..

no stress..

no peer pressure..

"hakuna matata"

as timon and pumba would say..
yea i guess u cud say i'm still not grown up yet.. xD
of cos i do still have a crush occasianally..
care about my studies..
and of cos..
fall in love.. xP
once in a blue moon la..
but sometimes i really wish i was kid again..
not cuz i'll be like smartest if i go bac 2 primary skool..
and not cuz i'll be like de tallest among them..
but becuz i wanna lose all my worries and stress
and have my hakuna matata life again.. lolx. de good old days..
where all we had 2 do was just
and sleep..
lolx. no need 2 worry about whether dis guy wil like you back..
about whether ur gonna pass ur add math..
whether u look fat..
whether ppl will like who u r..
whether ur better den ur frenz..
haiz.. de good olde days. xP
any1 who wants 2 comment can do dat in my cbox.. obviously.. x)