At form 3.. I went in2 de same class wif her which was 3 cempaka.. We became really gud frenz den.. together wif giselle... x) She helped me wif alotta stuff den.. especially abt... *ahem* lol. Aileen may look shy and quiet but she actually quite de opposite.. especially de quiet part.. LOL she's so much more talkative den me...!!! xD She talks abt everything dat pops in2 her mind n dat can be pretty annoying at times.. and INSULTING... lol.
Aileen is also a very NICE person.. (altho she can a lil bit stingy at times.. I don blame her.. from de allwance she gets and she has 2 pay 4 her own HP bill! It's a wonder she can survive LOL At least she brings her own food 2 skool la)
Besides that,(boy i feel like i'm writing a karangan.. LOL) aileen is also quite a strong Christian.. She hardly gets influnced by me and my cc.. lol..(altho she did go dis once cuz she was curious.. xP) And she's alweiz ther 2 msg me.. (ok maybe nt 24/7 la but u get wat i mean..) Me and aileen hv a alot in common.. But we do still fight pretty often.. xP but altogether she's been a gr8 buddy 2 me.. =)
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